5 Overlooked Marketing Channels Nigerian Businesses Can Leverage For Higher Visibility

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In Nigeria’s dynamic business landscape, marketing can often feel like a battle for attention.

While everyone is doubling down on social media, billboards, and traditional advertising, savvy entrepreneurs are turning to lesser-known channels to gain an edge.

These underutilized marketing channels not only offer unique ways to connect with customers but can also provide high returns on investment when used effectively.

In today’s post, we’ll take a close look at 5 of the most overlooked marketing channels that you can utilize for higher visibility as a business owner in Nigeria.

Taking advantage of any of these now, will:

– Help you reach more eye

– Attract better customers

– Whatever other benefits

1. WhatsApp Business: Beyond Chat

You’re probably using WhatsApp already.

But are you maximizing its potential for your business?

WhatsApp is practically a way of life in Nigeria, with over 100 million users nationwide.

WhatsApp Business allows you to create a business profile, set up automated messages, and even showcase your products. It’s perfect for customer service, order updates, and exclusive promotions.

Pro Tip: Use WhatsApp Status to share daily offers or behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. It’s like Instagram Stories, but with potentially higher engagement in the Nigerian market.

2. Local Radio Shows: The Power of Voice

Although digital marketing is on the rise, do not underestimate the reach of radio in Nigeria.

With numerous local stations catering to different languages and demographics, radio offers a unique opportunity to connect with your local audiences.

Consider sponsoring a segment, being a guest on a talk show, or even starting your own short program. It’s an excellent way to build authority and reach audiences who might not be active online.

Insider Tip: Combine radio appearances with a call-to-action that directs listeners to your WhatsApp Business number for maximum impact and conversions.

3. SMS Marketing: Short, Sweet, and Effective

In a country where many still use feature phones, SMS remains a powerful tool.

With a 98% open rate, it’s hard to beat SMS for direct communication with customers.

Use SMS for flash sales, important updates, or to share your latest offerings. Just remember to keep it concise and valuable – Nigerians receive a lot of texts daily and going straight to the point is how you delight your readers and attract buyers..

Key Point: Always include an opt-out option to comply with regulations and maintain customer goodwill.

4. Community Events and Trade Shows: The Power of Face-to-Face

In our digital age, it’s easy to forget the impact of personal interactions.

Local community events, trade shows, and exhibitions are goldmines for Nigerian businesses, yet many overlook them.

From the Lagos International Trade Fair to smaller, industry-specific expos, these events offer unique opportunities to:

– Showcase your products or services directly to interested audiences

– Network with potential partners and customers

– Gain instant feedback on your offerings

– Build brand awareness and credibility

The key is to choose events that align with your target market.

Selling agricultural products? Don’t miss the Nigeria Agrofood exhibition. In the tech space? The Nigeria Com event could be your ticket to new connections.

Pro Tip: Don’t just attend — stand out! Create an eye-catching booth, offer live demonstrations, or host a mini-workshop within your space. Remember, Nigerians love interactive experiences.

Bonus Idea: Partner with complementary businesses to share the cost of a larger, more impressive booth. This not only saves money but also expands your network.

Follow-Up Strategy: Collect contact information at your booth and follow up with personalized WhatsApp messages or emails. This bridges the gap between offline and online marketing.

5. LinkedIn: Not Just for Corporate Nigeria

LinkedIn isn’t just for job seekers and multinationals.

It’s an underutilized platform for B2B marketing and professional services in Nigeria.

Share industry insights, connect with other business owners, and position yourself as a thought leader in your field. It’s especially powerful for those in consulting, tech, or professional services.

Challenge: Commit to posting on LinkedIn three times a week for a month. You might be surprised at the connections and opportunities that come your way.

The Nigerian Edge

These channels offer unique advantages in the Nigerian market.

They allow you to cut through the noise of oversaturated platforms and connect more directly with your target audience.

Remember, the key to success on any channel is consistency and providing value. Don’t just sell – inform, entertain, and engage.

Your Move

Which of these channels aligns best with your business goals? Maybe it’s time to revamp your WhatsApp strategy or explore partnerships with local radio shows. 

The beauty of these underutilized channels is that there’s less competition and more room for creativity. So, take the leap and try something new. Your next big marketing win might be just around the corner.

We’d love to hear from you! Which of these channels are you most excited to try? Or do you have another underutilized channel that’s working wonders for your Nigerian business? Reach out to us on Instagram by clicking here. Let’s learn from each other and grow together!

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